Sunday, December 29, 2019

Psychoanalytical Study of A Streetcar Named Desire

Summary: An analysis of some of the many symbols found in A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams, with the help of psychoanalytical theory. Williams expert use of these symbols helped him to convey the meaning of many characteristics of the protagonists in the play. It is very debatable nowadays how much psychology can influence an author or how much the authors psychological features can influence his work. The creation of a character demands different kinds of information and the most important part of this process happens when the psychological aspects of the character are put together to meet his life history up to that moment when the story is happening.When A Streetcar Named Desire is read by someone who knows something†¦show more content†¦The warm water reminds us of the warmth we felt in our mothers womb and this feeling gives everyone a sense of protection, tenderness and comfort.Also according to the psychoanalytical theory, people who are always bathing themselves are trying to clean something which is difficult to be cleaned. Something psychological rather than physical. Colours Blanche means white in French. White is the symbol of purity. She wears white at the beginning of the play when she arrives at her sisters house. She thinks that by wearing this colour she will be able to hide her impure behaviour. Blanche also prefers muted and muffled tones because she doesnt want to call too much attention on herself.Blue is the colour Blanche chooses to wear on her last day at Stanley and Stellas house. She mentions that she wants to die on the sea, and be buried at sea sewn up in a clean white sack. (...) into an ocean as blue as my first lovers eyes Stanley wears vivid colours to prove his physical manhood. His green and scarlet bowling shirt and his red honeymoon pyjamas are examples of it. Raw meat In the first scene of the play Stanley calls Stella to the front door of their apartment and throws at her a package of raw meat for her to catch and keep in the icebox. Stanley and Stella share a very sexual relationship and Stanley is depicted as being a primitive man. This scene tells us what kind of relationship Stanley and Stella have:Show MoreRelatedPsychoanalytical Study of A Streetcar Named Desire Essays2039 Words   |  9 Pagesuma introdu#231;#227;o by Terry Eagleton (1994), there is a chapter dedicated to psychoanalysis and I think that some of the topics referred to in that chapter need to be mentioned here before the most important symbols found in the play A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams are discussed. One of the ideas discussed by Eagleton is that if after coming across psychoanalysis for the first time you happen to like it, it will probably become a useful tool to help you understand literature

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